
Union Wins with a Huge Margin!

On Thursday, July 28, 2022, the workers at Hudson/HIPR won their election with 99% of voters voting YES for union representation.

On Thursday, July 28, 2022, the workers at Hudson/HIPR won their election with 99% of voters voting YES for union representation in a NLRB election. This victory shows that nearly every worker wants a say in their working conditions. We will now begin the bargaining process for our first contract.

Next Steps

We are a member run union. This means that we will be nominating and electing our coworkers to be on our bargaining committee. The committee will distribute a bargaining survey to make sure everyone’s voices are heard in this process. We will then craft proposals based off the results of the surveys.

Because we are a member run union, none of this is possible without you. We know that the strongest contracts are negotiated when the entire membership is engaged in the process. We will be in touch with everyone with ways that you can get involved to ensure that we address the issues that we all care about.