Hudson Legal works because we do!

We are the workers at Hudson Legal

Hudson Legal employees simply cannot go another day without better pay, protections against overwork, and other benefits that would foster a diverse and equitable workplace. We have brought our concerns to management over the years, and while we have made some gains, we realize that the only way forward is to form a union. With a union, we will be able to sit down with Hudson Legal management as equals, and negotiate over the things that we care about.

It only takes a moment to join the fight for better pay and conditions for all of us.

Our Program for Change at Hudson Legal

  • Guaranteed annual increases
  • Protections against overwork
  • Affordable healthcare with family coverage
  • More time off for a better work/life balance
  • Job security and a real grievance procedure to hold Hudson Legal accountable
  • The ability to work from home for all employees

Beware Company Tricks!

Below are some of the union busting tactics that employers like to use to stop workers from organizing. Prepare yourself and don’t allow yourself to be mislead by management. No employer, including ours, wants to pay higher wages or even give up an ounce of control. If we stay united and know our rights, we will win!